Universal Push Start + Keyless Entry System (For Car Year <2015)
Product Highlights
- Engine Push Start Function
- Proximity Distance to Lock and Unlock your Vehicle
- Remote Key Engine Start Function
- Convenient as you can keep your keys in your pocket at all times
- Come with 2 Remote Fobs (Honda / Toyota / Nissan)
- Price Inclusive of Installation
- 3 Months Product Warranty based on Date of Purchase
Note : Applicable for car Year of Make 2015 and below, that does not operate using Canbus connections
Toyota Altis

Honda Fit
Remote Engine Start - Toyota Dyna
Why do I need to install Push Start Keyless Ignition System with Keyless Entry?
If you purchase your car from Authorised Dealers, you can opt for Low-Spec variant that doesn’t come with Keyless Entry (Uses remote control to unlock your car) and Push-Start Button (Uses your Car Key to Manual turn on your vehicle Ignition, which in turn save you a few thousands dollars compared to opting for a High-Spec Model.
In the long run this gives you much inconvenience compared to a High-Spec Model.
Fret not, we are able to install them for you, at a much cheaper price.
Contact us to find out about application that suits your car model.
How Keyless Ignition Works?
Keyless ignition systems come with a key that you can keep in your pocket, purse, or anywhere in close proximity to the receiver inside the vehicle.
The key transmits a unique low-frequency signal to the car's computer system, which allows you to push a button on the dashboard to start the engine.
Shutting off the motor is just as hassle-free: Simply press the start/stop button.
In addition to keyless ignition, the Ignition System also include keyless entry, allowing you to enter the car without inserting a key or hitting a button on the fob.
Additional Security Measures
One of the advantages of Keyless ignition systems is that they are designed to help prevent break-ins and vehicle theft.
Since the car's computer will only recognize a signal from its own key, thieves will have a harder time getting in and starting the engine.
There's no physical key that can be copied and no mechanical steering-column lock that can be forced or otherwise defeated.
Keyless ignition also makes it more difficult to lock your keys in the car or the trunk as the key can remain safe and snug in your pocket at all times.